Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Friday treated fans with his charming selfie and also informed them that he’d soon be resuming work. The actor wished “safe and healthy days” to those returning to their jobs. “They say time is measured in days, months and beards… Time now for a trim and get back to work I guess…Wishing everyone who is getting back to a bit of normalcy…safe and healthy days and months of work ahead….love u all,” he wrote.
Responding to the clip, SRK said Hiddleston was too “kind” to shower him with so much love. “You are kind, God of Mischief… hope there’s no mischief behind this claim though,” Khan wrote referring to Hiddleston’s MCU character of Loki aka God of Mischief.
The 55-year-old actor said he is looking forward to binge-watch the English actor’s latest series “Loki”, which started streaming in India on Disney + Hotstar Premium on Wednesday, June 16.