Sherlyn Chopra is making waves online once again! The Playboy model and actress created furore on Sunday night when she started tweeting intimate details about her sex life. Needless to say, the twitterati was completely zapped!
For the past couple of days, Sherlyn Chopra’s timeline has been flooded with all kinds of tweets, which can only be categorised as pornographic. The gal, who wanted to add her followers’ base, started the barrage, when she tweeted that she has stopped sleeping with people for commercial purpose.
After that she went on revealing her sex secrets and her fetish for cucumber to satiate her carnal desires, which had her ardent followers, whom she calls her ‘lovers’, getting into a frenzy and appreciating each part of her body in graphic details. Many others wrote odes and poems dedicated to their own ‘cucumbers’ and their haute babe!
Soon, Sherlyn finally crossed 100k mark of followers on twitter! Well-planned and executed marketing strategy Sherlyn! And the gal is now objecting to some of the most bold tweets being deleted! She tweeted: “Most of you ask me as to why my tweets containing highly sexual content get deleted…I urge u to direct this Q to/at Twitter!”
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