Though director Vishal Bhardwaj tried keeping Shraddha Kapoor’s role and character in ‘Haider’ under wraps, his efforts eventually turned futile.

Recently, Shraddha was spotted flashing a press correspondent’s card as she started shooting for the project with co-star Irrfan in Srinagar. According to the sources, she plays a journalist in the movie who is not just fearless but also doesn’t mind risking her life for a story. “Her life motto is to bring out truth at any cost,” a source said.

On the other hand, Irrfan was seen wearing traditional Kashmiri outfits with a special hat. “His role is an important one.” In one of the shots, we spotted Shraddha chasing Irrfan while holding a pen and a diary as if she’s asking him some questions. While Shahid, who will be joining the crew in a day or two, is completely changed from what he essayed in the last leg of the shoot in 2013. “Now he will be bald and clean shaven.

Since it’s a final schedule of the shoot, Vishal asked Shahid to prepare himself mentally and physically for a vital sequence. Shahid is anxious, and it showed when he posted this on twitter. “Reading scenes for the final schedule of Haider. Nervous and excited. Last four days of hair I can run my hands through. Snowed out Kashmir calling.” Tabu will reportedly join soon. The shooting is currently going on at Residency Road in the city and Press Colony.

When contacted K Jamsheed, who is a line producer for the film, said, “It’s going to be a long schedule of 20 to 25 days.” He stated that major chunk of the film will be shot in Srinagar, but the unit will move to Pahalgam and other nearby areas soon. Also, the director is not taking any chances with the filming of scenes. Probably he’s not too keen to see the repeat of what happened last time when the students of Kashmir University objected to hoisting of the national flag atop a makeshift bunker, leading to cancellation of the shoot.

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