Former Bigg Boss contestant Sofia Hayat has slammed actor Salman Khan, revealing that she chose not to appear on stage at the Bigg Boss finale with Salman because ‘(her) morality and truth is stronger than (her) ego’. Sofia was one of the contestants on Bigg Boss 7 in 2013. Taking to Instagram, Sofia shared several pictures of herself and wrote a long note on Salman ‘using the same tricks’ before releasing a film. In her note, she also asked, “Isn’t it about time you cast a girl your own age to star opposite you?” She wrote, “Salman Khan has been using the same tricks every time he releases a movie. He releases on Eid, using the religious festivity as a promotional day, profiting from a spiritual day. He also releases the same clichéd story lines, same cheesy looks to camera, same clichéd girl meets boy story, (always using a younger model each time, isn’t it about time you cast a girl your own age to star opposite you?), and same clichéd cheesy lines. What he has not done is to grow. His audiences have clearly grown and are fed up with the same regurgitated story lines that are quite clearly brain numbing, even watching the trailer of Radhe, I thought, haven’t I seen all of this before?”
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