Actor Sonali Bendre is set to enter the streaming space with “The Broken News”, an upcoming original drama series from the streamer ZEE5. The show, an adaptation of the popular 2018 British series “Press”, will also feature “Paatal Lok” star Jaideep Ahlawat and Shriya Pilgaonkar, who recently starred in the Prime Video show “Guilty Minds”. “The Broken News” will be directed by Vinay Waikul, who had recently helmed the crime-thriller Netflix series “Aranyak”. According to the makers, the show follows the story of two rival Mumbai-based news channels – Awaaz Bharati, an independent, ethical news channel, and Josh 24/7 News, which offers sensationalist and invasive journalism and “what transpires between the main characters in their quest for news”. Bendre, known for hit 1990s films such as “Sarfarosh”, “Diljale”, and “Major Saab”, was last seen in the 2013 gangster drama “Once Upon A Time in Mumbai Dobaara!” in which she had a cameo. A cancer survivor, the actor made her small screen debut in 2014 with “Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye” and has also served as a judge on reality TV shows such as “Indian Idol” and “India‘s Got Talent”.
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