Bollywood‘s very own fashionista Sonam Kapoor has collaborated with Pernia Qureshi’s Pop-Up Shop to retail garments from her personal wardrobe on the website. All proceeds from the sale will go towards Smile Foundation, an NGO that focuses on helping underprivileged children and youth across twenty five states in the country, said a statement. This partnership will bring pieces from Sonam’s uber chic closet along with ensembles from an assortment of high street brands, Indian designers as well as International fashion labels like Roberto Cavalli, Marc Cain, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Halston Heritage, Anita Dongre, Pernia Qureshi, Nishka Lulla, Atsu, Masaba, Disney and more. “I love the outfits that Pernia and I selected from my wardrobe. I have worn these once, most probably and not more than that. It’s as good as new and 100 percent of the proceeds will go to the charity. So you’re shopping and you don’t need to feel guilty about it,” said the actress.
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