Sunny Deol got parathas for homesick Neha SharmaSunny Deol seems to know the mantra – sharing is caring. The actor ensured that his co-star Neha Sharma, who apparently had been feeling very home sick in London, while shooting for their upcoming film, YPD 2, was served garma-garam parathas to warm the cockles of her heart.
The actors had been shooting in UK over three months and Neha was left craving for home-cooked food. A source says, “The Deols are known for their hospitality. Both Dharmji and Sunny have a special chef on the sets who cooked Punjabi specialties for the father and son. The actors made sure that even Neha got a taste of the chef’s culinary expertise. The actress dug into some tasty methi ke parathe that is also her utmost favourite.” And not just Neha, apparently the rest of the film’s crew too were left licking their fingers after the Punjabi feasts!