After having spent a good time in Los Angeles with her family amid COVID 19 pandemic, Sunny Leone returned to India in November. She has been on a roll after her return. The Jism 2 actress, who has some interesting projects in her kitty, has been busy shooting for her upcoming horror-comedy film Koka Kola. Amid this, she has also been very active on social media and often treats her fans with stunning pictures. To note, she is among those celebs whose pictures go viral in no time.
Keeping up with this trajectory, the actress has dropped her amazing throwback picture that seems to be taken from a shoot. In the photo, the diva can be seen standing while wearing a white robe. She looks beautiful in the click as she poses with utmost perfection. Going by her photo, it looks like she is giving some shot for a film. Alongside it, she writes, “Lost in time…. ?? #throwback.” Her latest post has left netizens in awe as they are all praises for it. One of the users comments, “Beautiful” while another writes, “Wah.”
Sunny had earlier talked about returning to the sets after a long time and said she is very excited to face the camera again. She also added that she has been working on some really interesting projects which she cannot wait to share with all. The diva told ETimes , “I have been waiting to be on a set for the longest time. I do have a packed schedule ahead, but I am not complaining. I am so excited to face the camera because that is where I truly belong.” She will soon be featuring in a music video titled Dope Video.