The trailer of Vishal Bharadwaj’s son, Aasmaan’s debut directorial, Kuttey, is out. Starring Naseeruddin Shah, Tabu, Arjun Kapoor, Konkona Sensharma, Kumud Mishra, Radhika Madan and Shardul Bhardwaj, the film will be hitting theatres on January 13, 2023. Now, during the trailer launch event, Tabu revealed that her character in the film was initially written for a male actor. She also opened up about the nuances of her character. During the trailer release event of Kuttey, Tabu was asked about how different it was working with Aasmaan, since she has already collaborated with Vishal Bharadwaj several times. She revealed, “Aasmaan is a different kind of filmmaker and there is no comparison with Vishal Bharadwaj’s films. Of course, thought and aesthetics are similar, but his cinema is different. Actually, this character was written for a male actor, but it was changed for me.”