Story: The film adaptation of John Green’s bestselling novel centers around two cancer-stricken teens, Hazel and Gus, who fall in love knowing theirs won’t be a ‘happy ending’. Review: Most love stories end with ‘and they lived happily ever after’. But what happens when you may not live another day? Will you still fall in love, knowing your time is limited? The Fault in our stars Stays faithful to the book. What you see is what you get. When a practical Hazel (Shailene Woodley) meets the charming and cheerful Augustus Waters (Ansel Elgort) at a cancer support group, sparks fly. He fears oblivion, while she believes it’s inevitable.
In his company, she discovers there’s a world beyond hospitals, medication, pain and cancer. Their shared passion for books, common fears, and heartfelt talks make the two inseparable, until death comes knocking… If you like feel-good, escapist films, this one’s not for you. The Fault in Our Stars is one of the most unpretentious tragic love stories told in a heart-warming manner. ‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened’ pretty much sums up the story. Earnest performances lend depth to the characters, making them come alive.
Shailene Woodley is brilliantly melancholic while Ansel Elgort displays the complexities of his character with great maturity. The film is not about crying over what you may lose, but learning to live with what you do. After all, it’s not the fear of death that makes you bitter, lack of love does.
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