In a surprising turn of events, Tom Cruise, the renowned A-list actor, has thrown his support behind the Hollywood actors’ strike. During a Zoom negotiating session between the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), Cruise made a surprise appearance, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The 61-year-old star passionately spoke out against the increasing presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the TV and film streaming era. Cruise’s statement resonated with thousands of actors and entertainers who are currently on strike alongside the Writers Guild of America (WGA). This joint strike is a significant event, marking the first time in over six decades that both actors and screenwriters have united in this way.
Cruise’s involvement in the strike has had a tangible impact on the industry. Production of his latest “Mission: Impossible” movie, as well as other high-profile projects like the “Avatar” sequel, “Gladiator 2,” and “Deadpool 3,” has come to a halt due to the strike action.