Hollywood star Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were involved in a tense exchange with a man at the Cannes Film Festival. The actor and his wife seemingly scolded an employee as they attended the premiere of his new movie ‘Asteroid City’, reports aceshowbiz.com. On Tuesday, May 23, the pair walked the red carpet together to support the special screening of Wes Anderson’s film. In photos which have circulated online, the Oscar winner was seen furiously pointing his finger at the younger man and making a stern face while his wife was also holding her hand up in front of her as she spoke to the man. It’s not clear what they were discussing, but the man was also seen gesturing at Hanks as he posed with his ‘Asteroid City’ co-stars on the red carpet. Despite the apparent misunderstanding, Hanks and Wilson continued to trek down the red carpet and were all smiles as they posed together on the stairs before heading inside the venue. The two were also seen dancing together as they reunited on the red carpet after posing for the cameras separately.