Vidya Balan, who was recently seen in Amazon Prime Video’s Jalsa, has begun shooting for her next film. Titled Neeyat, the murder mystery will be directed by Anu Menon. Today, May 10, Vidya shared a picture from the sets of Neeyat with Anu and Vikram Malhotra. Vidya Balan, who has earlier worked with Anu Menon in Shakuntala Devi, will be seen in her next film, Neeyat. Sharing a picture with Anu and Vikra Malhotra on Instagram, Vidya wrote, “Excited to begin shooting one of the most engaging scripts I have read in the recent times, with some of my favourite people – @directormenon & @ivikramix All I can say is expect the unexpected #Neeyat, Filming Begins (sic).” Anu Menon announced Neeyat on April 29 and also revealed the names of the cast members.
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