Comment : Sequester Goes In To Effect

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While sequester that goes in to effect Friday, March 1 night, will not immediately hurt the Americans at large, it will have a devastating effect on some sections and departments of administration. It will also slow down the economic recovery process.

The devastating budget cuts have very real consequences. On the chopping block are 10,000 teaching jobs, more than 70,000 kids’ spots in Head Start, $35 million for local fire departments, $43 million to make sure seniors don’t go hungry, and access to nutrition assistance for 600,000 women and their families.

That’s just a few of the things Americans will lose. Now that the sequester has happened, attention shifts to the next key battle in Washington’s ongoing, partisan fiscal war.

At the end of March, Democrats and Republicans must agree on how to continue funding the overall government if it’s not to shut down. the sequester, a government shutdown would likely be much more disruptive and noticeable to the average American – and politically damaging, especially to Republicans.

The average American can only bemoan the insensitivity of politicians and lawmakers to the welfare of the people and the country, in preference for their political games.

One is reminded of Duke of Gloucester’s words in Shakespeare’s King Lear: “As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods, They kill us for their sport.” (Act IV, Scene 1, 36-37)

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