Why is it important to schedule your next colonoscopy if you are in your late fourth decade. Colon cancer is one of the most common and preventable cancers if detected at an early stage. The incidence of this increases with age. Approximately the incidence is 15-30% by age 50 years. Colonoscopy is the best method for polyp detection and removal. It decreases the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer by 60-70%.
As per the new guidelines of the U.S Preventive Service Task Forces regular screenings are recommended form age 45 to 70 years. Colonoscopy helps in detection of polypoid outgrowths called polyp which itself is not cancer but is a precancerous lesion. If managed in a timely and appropriate manner it can help in prevention of colon cancer.
Colonoscopy is a procedure which is done to examine the surface of colon for outgrowths and irregularities. It is usually an outpatient procedure. The sample taken is then sent for testing. Not only polyps but it can help in detection of other important disease processes like inflammatory bowel disease which requires close follow up as it does increase one’s risk for colon cancer.
So next time you visit your doctor’s office don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy if your in the age group of 45-70 years.
Natasha Singh MD, FCAP, FASCP
Cytopathology Fellow, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, NY
Former GI/Liver Pathology Fellow at University of Nebraska Medical Center, NE
Former Resident Physician, Rutgers Health, NJ
Former Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School, MA
Email: ns3744@cumc.coumbia.edu
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