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Perspective : Appeal to Community Leaders to Demand an Apology for Racial Slurs called for Indo-Americans

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By Dave Makkar
Edison Mayor Mr. Lankey must understand if Keith Hahn running against him for the post of mayor in the recently concluded elections can agree to a formal apology to the Indo-American community for the racial slurs called in the Municipal Complex of Edison; what is stopping Lankey’s administration to do the same?, asks the author who has been vociferously exhorting the community to protect their self -respect as Indo-Americans and demand an unconditional apology for the racial slurs from Lankey.

It is very unfortunate that for more than a decade our community leaders controlling various political, cultural, business and religious organizations and individuals elected to various public offices in New Jersey with community support and money has been evading the issue of “Apology” for the Racial slurs called for the Indo-American community in the Municipal Complex of Edison; “Indians are cockroaches, animals, illegal & go home”. Till today these are the worst ever called Racial Slurs for any community in over 200 years history of America.

The Edison Councilman Ajay Patil in an exchange of numerous e-mails since Oct 31, 2017 to Nov. 22, 2017 with him and Mayor Lankey on this issue says that he is not the part of the Edison administration, so he cannot call for an apology! And more over there is no need for Mayor Lankey to tender an Apology. He is joined by Mayor Lankey’s financial supporter; Nilesh Dasondi an ex-convict with dubious dealings and business interest in Edison. Dasondi had actively/aggressively written on social media that Mr. Lankey was not the Mayor at that time so why his administration should give any apology for the Racial Slurs! As usual owners of Edison based IBA that parade themselves on the streets of Edison in the name of India day parade; are least concerned about this issue.  Unfortunately, Mayor Lankey also has not responded at all because some individuals from our own community do not want an apology for the Racial Slurs.

Edison Mayor Mr. Lankey must understand if Keith Hahn running against him for the post of mayor in the recently concluded elections can agree to a formal apology to the Indo-American community for the racial slurs called in the Municipal Complex of Edison; what is stopping Lankey’s administration to do the same? This is immaterial whether he was the Mayor or not when this unfortunate incident happened. He should not listen to his Councilman Ajay Patil who may have under cover business interest with his financial supporter Nilesh Dasondi because they do not reflect the views of the majority Indo-American community living in various parts of New Jersey and USA. The community has been hurt emotionally and mentally because of these racial slurs. Especially those like my family members and other community members that was present at the Edison Municipal Complex on that fateful day, those racial slurs still haunt us and frighten us that it can happen again because the Edison administration has not come forward with even a formal apology. That sends a racially biased message that they do not care about human dignity and rights of Indo-American community living in Edison and other parts of New Jersey and USA.

For Mayor Lankey and his supporters it may be an old issue that does not mean that the issue was settled. Look at the history in the case of Japanese comfort girls patronized by US Army, Chinese Rail road workers in USA, the communists in USA- all got formal Apologies for the wrongs done to them from the head of the state, years after the actual incidents. In the case of Jewish Holocaust; Germany gave an apology & still paying pension to the survivors in Germany & Europe. The Jews on their own even after almost 70 years of WW2 are still hunting Nazi’s; putting them on trial and confiscating their assets.

Mayor Lankey must understand that most recently, even  Canadian PM Justin Trudeau on May 18, 2016 gave a formal “full apology” for the Komagata Maru incident in the House of Commons to the Indian Community. The Komagata Maru incident happened in 1914 when 376 passengers from Punjab, British India were denied entry in to Canada. This was one of several incidents in the early 20th century in which exclusion laws in Canada and the United States were used to exclude immigrants of Asian origin.

Our community leaders especially those elected to various public offices must understand the gravity of the “Racial Slurs” issue. By demanding an apology for the worst ever called Racial Slurs; they are demanding racial equality to uphold the human dignity of the Indo-American community living in USA. They can learn from similar incidents like when Jack Cafferty former CNN commentator made a comment, “Chinese are goons & Thugs”. American-Chinese lead by their community leaders seized the CNN HQ in Atlanta and CNN had to make an apology and gave undisclosed amount to settle the case.

In yet another incident when Don Imus called the Rutgers American African women Foot Ball Team “Nappy Headed Hose”, the African-American community lead by their leaders forced Imus to resign from CBS & for more than 2 years could not find a job despite making huge donations to African-American organizations. This was the same Don Imus who was counted among 25 most influential people in America in 2007.

With this letter on behalf of Indo-American community living in various parts of New Jersey and USA; I appeal to our community leaders, elected individuals and various organizations to do the right thing to uphold their own, honesty, ethics, morality and credibility by demanding a formal apology from Edison administration for the racial slurs called for Indo-American community. They must rise above their self-interest and must respect “Community First”.

(The author is a New Jersey based community activist. He can be reached at


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