Some time ago we had regretted the use of mere rhetoric, without attendant or resultant action, by Indian political leaders. As the time passed, after the change of guard at the Centre, not only has rhetoric increased, it has been upped to a level of acerbic and vitriolic speech. One can see it manifested clearly in Bihar election campaign.
There was a time when political leaders exhibited mutual respect and refrained from frivolous accusations and acerbic expressions. Surely, senior leaders were never found to be using abusive language against their opponents. Prime Ministers, like Jawaharlal Nehru and Atal Behari Vajpayee, may criticize but they never used acerbic and vitriolic language. In their satire and banter was finesse. And now you have a Prime Minister who flexes his muscles and throw challenges at the drop of hat.
There is every danger of the total loss of courtesy among Indian politicians if the trend is not arrested. There is nothing wrong in flinging accusations. But there could be everything wrong in the manner of expression. The land of saints and sages, philosophers and teachers has gifted us a rich legacy of Samskaras. Let us not forget them And all reform begins from the top. Yatha Raja, Tatha Praja: Like father, like son.
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