It was mid-May of 1982. After cycling through different parts of England, finally, I reached London on my trusted bicycle. I was almost halfway through, traversing the world. London was the last leg of my European adventure before I would hop into New York City. I was carrying a “Mandatory Order”, issued by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt of India. that clearly indicated to issue me a free Air Ticket on then National Carrier, Air India. Incidentally, it was a kind gesture extended by the Civil Aviation Ministry to support me in my worldwide cycling adventure, especially to crossing over the ocean.
I went to the Air India office in London with that note and met with the person concerned. He took that note to his senior officer and came back in a few minutes with a negative response, giving the reason, that it was an expired mandatory order. A fresh order was required from the ministry to get a free passage for NY City. I tried my best to explain that since I was riding a bicycle, I couldn’t maintain the time limit but my effort to convince him was all in vain. Totally disheartened, I left the Air India office empty-handed. I tried to get a free ticket from some other carriers too but no luck. Finally, I tried desperately to raise some funds from certain service clubs in London, so that I could buy an air ticket. Sure, it worked but a little differently, I visited one of the local Lions Clubs where I gave a talk about my cycling adventures and shared some of my harrowing experiences. After the meeting got over, one kind-hearted gentleman came up to me and offered any help that I would need. I didn’t let the opportunity go, explained my situation to him, He gave me his visiting card and asked me to see him the next day.
I was skeptical, still, I went to his office to see him. Soon I realized that it was a Travel Agent’s Office, and that gentleman was the owner. You guessed it correctly, he asked one of his employees to take care of me. In the meantime, as the ticket was being issued, the owner took me out for lunch at a nearby restaurant. When I returned the ticket was already issued. Of course, it was an Air India Ticket.
I didn’t pay a penny however I saw the price mentioned on that ticket, was 124.00 Sterling Pounds…! I cannot imagine these days one getting a ticket that inexpensive to fly from London to NYC.
So finally, I flew over the Atlantic Ocean and landed at JFK airport with my bicycle precisely on June 16 of 1982……! Of course, since then I had traveled through many more countries until I returned to NYC and started a different career as a “Lensman”.
Yesterday it was June 16, 2022. it came to me like a flashback as if I arrived in NYC only the other day. Cannot imagine, how those 40 years went by.