Mishti Doi is synonymous with Bengal in East India. The Bengalis are famous for their sweet preparations and Mishti Doi is among their most well-known desserts. Mishti Doi tastes great but is amazingly simple to make.
1 liter full cream/ whole milk, 3-4 tablespoons yogurt, 250 grams sugar.
– Boil the milk in a heavy-bottomed pan, on a medium flame until it is reduced to half its original volume. Stir frequently to prevent the milk from scorching. When done, cool the milk till it is just lukewarm.
– Put the sugar in another pan and heat over a low flame to melt. Allow the sugar to caramelize (brown). Remove from the fire when done, add the reduced milk to this caramelized sugar and mix well to blend.
– When the milk and sugar are thoroughly mixed, add the yogurt to the mixture and stir gently to mix.
– Pour into the desired container and keep in a warm dark spot for the Mishti Doi to set. The best taste results are achieved by setting the Mishti Doi in an earthenware pot.
– When the Mishti Doi has set and is firm, chill for a few hours and serve.
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