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Workouts that slow down ageing

A slow metabolism, declining stamina, setting in of chronic illnesses are some more troublesome signs of ageing. While you can’t do anything about the growing numbers in your age, you can do a lot to stop it from showing. How? A steady fitness routine. Creating a regular exercise routine helps you steer clear of chronic diseases, helps build stamina and strong muscles, and keeps you physically agile and just like that hide years off your age. Experts say exercise makes you feel younger than you are. Here are some workouts that will keep the real age from showing.


Yoga does not work on specific body parts but on your overall well being. Yoga experts believe that yoga helps you stay younger for longer. There are specific facial yoga asanas that help keep the wrinkles away. Stress is the biggest killer today. Yoga helps reduce stress thereby not letting its after effects reflect on your face and body.


Most women shy away from weight lifting but that should not be the case if you want to have good bone health. Fitness experts as well as medical experts believe that weight training helps combat the onset of osteoporosis. However, make sure that you practice weight training under proper guidance.


Squats target the biggest muscles in the human body. They not only burn calories but also keep your legs strong. Most of us squat a lot during the day without even realizing, which makes the perfect squat posture all the more important. Picking heavy grocery bags or lifting a kid, they all require you to squat. An incorrect squat posture can lead to injuries and you surely don’t want that.


There have been studies that say walking reduces the risk of dementia by one third. Not only does it protect you from that evil, a recent study stated that walking also helps improve your cardiovascular health. A healthy heart is a great means for a youthful body.


Cardio is recommended even by many beauty experts for a younger looking skin. Cardio workouts such as swimming, cycling and dance up your heart rates, as a result pumping more blood in your body. Better circulation helps strengthen our heart and give us a beautiful skin.

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