Bathinda (TIP): Mohinder Kaur of Bahadurgarh Jandian village here, who hit the headlines after Kangana Ranaut tweeted her picture claiming that she was the same “Dadi” who was part of the Shaheen Bagh protest, has filed a complaint against the actress. The complaint has been filed in a court here and a hearing has been fixed for January 11. In the complaint, filed though advocate Raghubir Singh Behniwal, Mohinder Kaur claimed that due to Kangana’s false tweet, she suffered grave mental tension, agony, botheration, harassment, humiliation, loss of reputation, defamation in eyes of her family members, relatives, co-villagers and public in large. Further, she also claimed that due to the allegation, she had fallen in her own estimation and also in the eyes of protesting farmers. The complaint also said Kangana had not apologised to her or farmers.
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