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No Dollar Value on Human Lives, Please: Opt for Total Shut down of America

Prof. Indrajit S Saluja

Please don’t  provoke  Nature, anymore . Be fearful of the  approaching catastrophe. Now is the time to get out of the way of a devouring monster of Coronavirus.


President Trump should impose a nationwide lock down, a COMPLETE lockdown, not a partial, half hearted one, which is not of much help. Let  him take a cue from India  and stop all wheels of movement from Air to Land to Sea for at least 4 weeks  until the virus finds no prey and turns away in despair. The 100,000 strong Association of  Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)  has also made the demand. President Trump may please not be dismissive of the professional prowess and expertise of doctors . “If it were up to the doctors they may say, ‘Let’s keep it shut down, let’s shut down the entire world.”

Brave Americans should not shy away from paying a little price now to secure their lives and those of their loved ones and communities.

Economies can be rebuilt with a little extra effort  over a period of time. But the human lives lost can never be brought back to life.

Let Americans opt willingly for the discipline needed to combat the monster of Coronavirus  and  follow the advice of health experts. It applies to all, including President of America.


Just look at the speed at which Coronavirus is advancing in the worst hit  New York. The number of cases in 1 day, from March 25 to 26 rose by 3101 to reach a total of 23112. The number of deaths has risen to 365, increasing day by day.

At the time I am writing this comment, I get the news that  the global number of Coronavirus cases has crossed 500,000, and  the US has surpassed all nations, including China and Italy in the number of Coronavirus cases.  It now has 82,400 cases, with more than 1,170 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.    China   and Italy had 80,000 cases. Do not forget, in the US , Coronavirus is yet to peak. Imagine the loss of life awaiting us .

Hospitals  do not have the  required number of beds. They do not have equipment for daily surges of patients. Health workers do not have the protective gear and are exposed to the deadly virus themselves. We know health officials the world over succumbing to death while treating patients. And, on top of it, there is no antidote to the pandemic.

Please do not believe in rumors about drugs / antidotes having been discovered  or being available until the health authorities of America announce the drug. And, also remember drug that can kill or keep the virus away will not be available immediately after announcement,  and surely not to all 300 million Americans simultaneously. Between the Eureka and the availability of the drug, there may be a significant period of wait. Americans  surely cannot go off the guard during this period.

All talk about economy- markets, job losses, revenue losses  are of concern mainly to the rich who stay insulated away from the scene of production of wealth and are safe and secure. They are not the ones working in restaurants and stores. They are not among the first responders. They are not cab drivers, train drivers and construction workers.  They are not the producers of wealth. They are managers and keepers of wealth. Those who produce on an hourly basis are the ones exposed to the deadly virus. Those who are talking about economy and wealth creation are  out of the way of harm by Coronavirus  in the sanitized ,  secure environs  of their mansions. The question is why the lives of common Americans s  be put at stake for creating wealth for the comfort and  luxury of the few.

Now is the time to decide whether economy is above human wealth of America. Surely, Americans will not want dollar value to be put on their precious lives.

We are and will always remain the greatest nation on the Earth for the values we cherish, not for the wealth we may have.

God bless America!











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