Factors that might increase risk of getting heart attack


Uncontrollable variables can alter blood cholesterol levels, however, there are measures you can undertake to ensure that your cholesterol level is healthy. If necessary, ask your doctor for assistance on how to lower your cholesterol. Increasing your consumption of dietary fibre, choosing nutritious, low-fat foods, and engaging in regular exercise can all help lower your cholesterol.


Diabetes can harm your heart, particularly if it is not under control. Over the age of 65, heart disease claims over 68% of the lives of diabetics. To better control, your blood sugar levels, adhere to your doctor’s treatment plan and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments.


One very prevalent risk factor for heart disease is high blood pressure. Your heart has to work harder when your blood pressure is up. Heart attacks may result from this stiffening of the heart muscle. Find out what you can do to lower your blood pressure by speaking with your doctor. Your blood pressure may decrease with appropriate exercise, a low-salt and low-fat diet, moderate alcohol consumption, a healthy weight, and stress management.


Increased cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart attack risk are all associated with excess body fat. To reach and stay at a healthy weight, one must follow a balanced diet and engage in appropriate activity. Consult your doctor to find a weight-loss solution if you are having problems losing weight.


Smoking is to blame for one in every five heart attack deaths. Your chance of suffering a heart attack can increase by two to four times if you smoke cigarettes. Smoking reduces the quantity of oxygen that gets to your heart, raises blood pressure, harms blood vessels, and increases the risk of blood clots, therefore the risk is higher for smokers. If you currently smoke, there is still time for you to quit and lower your chance of developing heart disease.

Insufficient exercise

Coronary heart disease is at risk due to an inactive lifestyle. Regular moderate to strenuous exercise can lower your chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Obesity, diabetes, and blood cholesterol can all be managed with physical activity. For certain people, it can also help reduce blood pressure. Adults should aim for 75 minutes of strenuous activity (such as jogging) or at least 150 minutes of moderate activity (such as brisk walking) per week, or a combination of the two.


A heart attack risk factor is a poor reaction to stress. Test out various stress-reduction strategies to see which ones are most effective for you. Participating in yoga, doing breathing exercises, and using better time management are some strategies for reducing stress.

Source: NDTV

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