Fatty liver disease is a commonly seen problem that can impact one’s quality of life. Did you know? Fatty liver can develop into liver cirrhosis and cause irreversible liver damage. Fatty liver disease happens when there is an excessive buildup of fat in your liver. It is a common occurrence in adults due to over-consumption of alcohol (Alcohol-induced fatty liver disease) or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease owing to a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and diabetes.
Swelling in legs and ankles (edema)
This occurs due to increased pressure from portal hypertension caused by liver damage associated with fatty liver disease. This pressure buildup leads to fluid accumulation in the surrounding tissues, resulting in swelling.
Abdomen (Ascites)
The potent signs of advanced liver disease are ascites (meaning the build-up of fluid within the abdominal cavity). Liver inflammation and scarring cause high pressure in the blood vessels within the liver which is portal hypertension. This increased pressure can cause fluid to leak from the liver’s blood vessels into the abdominal cavity of the person and he/she may get abdominal swelling and discomfort. It is always necessary to check this fluid to rule out other causes of ascites like tuberculosis, and cancer.
Feet swelling
Apart from swelling in the legs and ankles, there can be Edema in the feet when one has a severe level of fatty liver disease. Facial puffiness and hand swelling can occur in severe disease.
Fatty liver alert: Swelling in these body parts can indicate severe disease