Migraine has become a common health issue these days. People experience more pain in migraine, in which a person experiences severe pain in his/her head due to pulse sensation on one side of the head. Due to migraine, people also experience dizziness, weakness, and vomiting. Sometimes, migraine lasts for two days and the pain becomes unbearable.
According to health experts, a change in lifestyle with a proper diet can cure headaches and migraine, a neurological condition caused by stress, tension, or hormonal change in the body.
Various studies and research suggest that food and diet play an important role in the treatment of migraine and headache and reduce pain. The improvement in diet helps in preventing migraine attacks and reduces their frequency. Food items rich in minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids may help prevent migraine.
Here is the list of the food items you should add to your diet to prevent headache and migraine
Salmon Fish
Salmon fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial in reducing migraine pain. The consumption of fish also prevents migraine triggers.
Dry Nuts
Magnesium and other important nutrients for health are found in dry nuts. The regular consumption of dry nuts can prevent migraine. You can have dry nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts and pumpkin seeds as snacks.
Green Vegetables
Green and leafy vegetables like spinach are very helpful for reducing migraine pain. Spinach contains folic acid, vitamin B and magnesium. The green vegetables help a person to reduce the pain of migraine
Ketogenic foods
Keto foods are low in carbohydrates and high in fat may help reduce migraine attacks. One should eat food like seafood, non-starchy vegetables, and eggs. However, it is advised that you should consult your doctor or a registered dietician before starting a Keto diet. People suffering from headache or migraine should keep themselves hydrated to deal with the pain. They should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Source: News18
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