Omicron BF.7 scare: Tips to boost immunity amid global rise in Covid cases

Get vaccinated- Your immune system is smart, but vaccines train it to be even smarter — helping it learn how to recognise and fight off certain disease-causing illnesses. It’s much safer for your immune system to learn via vaccination than through infection with these harmful germs.

Eat a healthy diet

Avoid intake of too much salt, processed foods, junk foods. Take 3 vegetables and 2 fruits every day. One half of your plate should comprise fruits and vegetables, leafy vegetables, roots and tubers and other vegetables. A quarter plate should be cereals/millets and the remaining quarter plate should consist of protein-rich foods such as pulses, legumes, eggs, flesh foods and nuts; followed by moderate amounts of varieties of vegetable oils/fats. A glass of milk or milk products such as curd, paneer etc. should accompany the plate.

All the minerals and vitamins is advised instead of using human-made supplements to fill the gap. For an excellent immune system, studies have shown that the body should have minimum levels of Vitamin A, B, C, D and E along with minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, copper etc and phytonutrients, amino acids, fatty acids are necessary for optimal immune function. All should be taken from natural sources rather than pills. These nutrients are critical for the function of T cells, B cells, killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils/granulocytes that are involved in the killing and elimination of infectious microbes.

Regular physical activity

Physical activity not only builds muscles but produces positive hormones which helps you de stress. It’s also an important part of being healthy and supporting a healthy immune system. It also contributes to keeping the blood sugar levels in control, improving the functionality and lung capacity of a person, keeping cardiovascular conditions at bay and strengthening bones.    Source: HT

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