Following a diet rich in proteins may help lower the risk of death among people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), claims a study. About 850 million people worldwide are estimated to have kidney disease, and most live in low-income and lower-middle-income countries.
The study led by researchers from Karolinska Institute and Stockholm University in Sweden showed that the benefits of proteins may outweigh the downsides in older adults with mild or moderate CKD, in whom disease progression may play a more limited role in survival. For the study, the team included 8,543 community-dwelling adults 60 years and older between March 2001 and June 2017. They were followed up for mortality from December 2021 to January 2024.
The results, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, revealed “that a higher intake of total, animal, and plant protein was associated with lower mortality in adults 60 years and older with mild or moderate CKD”. Importantly, the associations were larger among participants without CKD, the team said.
The researchers explained that protein supplementation appears to reduce the risk of death in older persons, possibly by elevating branched-chain amino acid levels.
A higher protein intake can boost muscle mass and strength, slower rate of bone loss, higher bone mineral density, lower risk of frailty, and improved cardiovascular function and recovery from illness (including wound healing), said the researchers.
On the other hand, older adults with protein deficiency are at risk of “impairments of muscular, skeletal, and immune function”, they said.
Benefits of Eating Protein
Increases Muscle Mass: The importance of protein in the body can be linked to increased muscle mass. It helps you maintain your muscle mass and also encourages muscular development during strength training. Hence, bodybuilders and weightlifters are advised to take the optimum amount of protein that aids them in their muscle growth journey. Consuming sufficient amounts of protein also prevents muscle loss during weight reduction.
Recovers the Body Post-Injury: Since protein is the major building block of muscles and tissues, eating the right amount of protein can have a major effect on healing. Athletes are recommended to eat enough protein to recover from injuries.
Reduces Hunger: A high-protein diet helps us feel fuller and less hungry. Our body makes more satiety hormones such as cholecystokinin and peptide YY, which gives signals of a full belly. Protein can also help us feel less hungry in between meals, which reduces our intake of junk food and calories.
Digestion: Most of the enzymes in our body are made of proteins. Having sufficient amounts of proteins aid in producing enzymes that help in digestion.
Improves Bone Health: Our body needs the appropriate amount of nutrients to function smoothly. Consuming these essential nutrients promotes bone health which prevents age-old bone diseases like osteoporosis. Thus, one should improve their protein intake to match their body’s needs & functions.
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