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Reasons for hair loss and remedies

Sometimes, you may make a lot of effort to take care of your tresses, only to find them falling away in clumps. While it is a heartbreaking sight, it has become alarmingly common for adults in their late 20s and early 30s. Dr Jyoti Gupta, a consultant dermatologist in New Delhi, says that as doctors, they have been noticing an early-age of onset of baldness, “as early as 16-18 years of age”. Most of them start coming to dermatologists by the age of 25, when hair loss becomes more evident. “Though some hair thinning and receding hairline is expected with age, more millennials are seeking consultation and expressing concern about hair loss,” she says.

Dr Gupta explains some possible reasons behind hair loss, and what you can do to remedy the situation. Read on.

–              Stress: Stress puts the hair follicle out of growth cycle, causing premature hair loss. Everyone should engage in at least one kind of calming activity like mediation, yoga, etc., which can release stress.

–              Nutritional deficiency: Due to the easy availability of food from outside, there has been more intake of junk and non-nutritional food items, creating a deficiency of many major nutrients like iron, vitamin D, B12, zinc, folic acid, and proteins. Adding them as supplements to the diet will definitely help reduce the fall.

–              Smoking: Nicotine and other drugs can reduce blood flow to the skin and hair, leading to hair thinning.

–              Intake of supplements: Many supplements like whey protein, anabolic steroids taken for muscle building can lead to more testosterone activity and hair thinning.

–              Hair treatments: Continuous hair bleaching, straightening and use of hair extensions can cause damage to roots leading to hairline recession and hair loss.

–              Hormonal disturbances: Thyroid issues, PCOS problems, diabetes, obesity can all cause thinning, and if you are diagnosed, you must begin the treatment process.

–              Genetics: If in your family, either maternal or paternal side has a history of baldness, then it can present in you at an early age with more advanced baldness. It is recommended to start prescription products like minoxidil, finasteride, PRP therapy to take care of genetic hair loss.

“There are many nutritional, medical, non-surgical, and surgical interventions to help in this issue,” says Dr Gupta.

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