You put work priorities ahead of your relationship
If you find yourself opting out of activities you would normally engage in with your spouse — such as going to a movie, visiting friends or just enjoying time together — you could be placing undue pressure on the relationship.
Your spouse has become your career therapist
If you find yourself constantly seeking advice from your spouse on your next ‘move’ at work, you could be hurting your marriage.
You have nothing to talk to them about except work
If you literally have nothing to talk about with your spouse other than work, then this is a bad sign. If you have trouble compartmentalising work and personal life, you likely will go into discussions about people and projects without even realising.
You arrive late to important personal events
This can create a slow build-up of resentment from your spouse and create the impression you are choosing your work intentionally over your personal commitments.
Your partner clams up when you ask them about their day
If your spouse feels that they’re taking the brunt of your office worries, then they may withdraw and seem unusually quiet, not wanting to add to the drama. “Or, they may feel that sharing their own struggles is futile, because the topic will ultimately bounce back to your office dilemmas.
You argue more with your spouse
If you are carrying home stress with you from the office, then you may become more irritable and end up taking it out on your partner in totally unrelated areas.
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