Good for depression
Banana peels are packed with serotonin, a chemical that helps in boosting your mood and makes you feel good. According to a study at the University of Taiwan, if you consume two banana peels for three days continuously, your serotonin level will increase by 15 per cent.
Help you sleep better
Banana peels are full of tryptophan, a chemical that is known for inducing more relaxed sleep.
Lowers Cholesterol
Banana peels are full of soluble and insoluble fibre. In fact, they have more fibre than banana itself. Fibre helps to lower your cholesterol and thus, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and strokes. A study conducted on a group of people who had high LDL (bad cholesterol) levels proved this fact. When the participants consumed banana peels everyday, it was reported that their bad cholesterol levels were decreased noticeably.
Weight loss
Because banana peels are full of fibre, they help in losing weight.
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