
NJ Native M.D. Returns After Success With Houston Texans, Rockets, Astros and Dynamo
By Mabel Pais “(What) makes me most excited about going to work everyday is that I have the ability to truly help people get back to the activities and things that they love to do […]

Prasanna at the Eye Foundation of America fundraiser casts spell with a memorable musical performance
NEW YORK CITY(TIP): The Eye Foundation of America (www.eyefoundationofamerica.org) held a fundraiser, May 23 in Downtown here. Around a hundred well wishers and patrons of the Foundation gathered to support the Foundation which aims at […]

AAPI & USAID partnering for a TB- Free India
WASHINGTON (TIP): USA-International Developmental Agency (USAID) on April 5thsigned an MOU with American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to work together in achieving the goal of Tuberculosis (TB) free India. According to the […]

Indian American’s $ 1 Million Research May Change Cancer Treatment
HOUSTON (TIP): An Indian American scientist has been awarded a grant of over $1.1 million for his ground- breaking research on cancer. Navin Vardarajan, along with another University of Houston researcher Sanghyuk Chung, were awarded huge […]

Nargis Dutt Cancer Foundation Emerges Stronger and United under Andy Mansukhani and Dr. Prem Goel
LONG ISLAND, NY (TIP): At a Nargis Dutt Cancer Foundation Board of Directors meeting held last month, the Board elected Andy Mansukhani as President of the Foundation. The Directors called upon their former President to […]

Indian American student to build a primary health clinic in Uttar Pradesh village
MARYLAND (TIP): An Indian American student at Towson University is leading an effort to build a primary health clinic in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh. Mohammad Siddiqi, 21, is helping to build a clinic […]

AAPI’s 36th annual Convention & Scientific Assembly to be held at Columbus Convention Center, OH, July 4-8, 2018
COLUMBUS, OH (TIP): “The 36th Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) will be held at the at Columbus Convention Center, OH July 4-8, 2018,” Dr. Gautam […]

Indian Americans Romesh and Sunil Wadhwani launch a non Profit artificial intelligence center in Mumbai
The mission of the institute is to be a hub for collaborations between AI scientists from top global institutions, social-impact organizations, and governments by creating and curating high-quality open-access datasets to foster innovation. TIP: Indian […]