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Parashurama Jayanti

Parashurama Jayanti is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Lord Vishnu’s sixth incarnation. The birth anniversary of Parashuram ji every year comes during the month of Vaishaksha during the Shukla paksha Tritiya. Bhrigureshtha Maharishi Jamadagni was done Yajna for the son and pleased Devraj Indra and got a boon for his son. Maharishi’s wife Renuka gave birth to Mahabahu Parashuram in Vaishakh Shukla paksha Tritiya

It is believed that Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Parshuram as its form. When evil on earth was spread everywhere. The warrior class, with weapons and powers, abused his power and started torturing people. Lord Parshuram had kept the cosmic balance by destroying these wicked warriors.

In Hindu scriptures, Lord Parashuram is also called Rama Jamadagnya , Rama Bhargava and Veerarama. Parashurama is worshipped as mool purush, or founder, of the Niyogi Bhumihar Brahmin, Chitpavan, Daivadnya, Mohyal, Tyagi, Anavil and Nambudiri Brahmin communities.

Unlike all other avatars, Parashurama still lives on the earth according to Hindu faith. Therefore, Parasurama is not worshiped unlike Ram and Krishna. In southern India, near the Udupi, at the sacred place of the Pajka, there is a large temple that remembers Parasurama. There are several temples on the west coast of India which are dedicated to Lord Parshurama.

According to Kalki Purana, Parshuram will be the Guru of Vishnu, the tenth Avatar of Kalki and will teach him the Martial art. Parashuram will ask Kalki to receive Lord Shiva’s penance and Divine weapon. This is not the first time that the six incarnations of Lord Vishnu will meet another incarnation. According to the Ramayana, Parshuram came to the wedding ceremony of Sita and Lord Rama and met Lord Vishnu’s 7th incarnation.

The killing of Jamadagni – Why Parashuram killed his mother Renuka & cut her head

Parshuram’s parents were spiritual people and his father Jamadagni had his ashram on the bank of the river. It was there that he imparted education to his sons and disciples. One day, while he was performing yajna, he asked his wife Renuka to fetch some water from the river for oblation. Renuka went as asked to fetch some water but she lost track of time and missed oblation as celestial singer Chitraratha was indulging in leisure activities with his wife in the river. Sage Jamadagni was so angry at his wife’s carelessness that he asked his sons to behead her. No son came forward. Seeing this, Lord Vishnu Avatar Parshuram picked his axe and killed his mother. His father was very impressed and offered him a boon. Parshuram asked for the life of his dead mother’s back. By then, Jamadagni’s anger had subsided and thus he brings his wife back to life.

The incident with the cow

Jamadagni and Renuka had a magical cow called Kaamdhenu that was the symbol of abundance. It had emerged out of the ocean during the great churning. One day when the sage and his sons were away and Renuka was alone, a few Kshatriyas came to visit, Renuka offered them food and delicious milk from the cow. The Kshatriyas on seeing this and finding out about the cow decided to take it to king Arjuna. They asked for the cow and Renuka refused. However, while leaving, The Kshatriyas seized the cow and took it with them anyway.

Parshuram came back to his mother wailing and was very angry. He at once stormed to Mahishmati, the capital of Arjuna. Seeing him, Arjuna mocked him and told him that his father and he should only indulge in Penance and forget about Kaamdhenu as only Kshatriyas deserve the best of all things. He sent his army to face Bhagwaan Parshuram who is the Avatar of God Vishnu and not one did survive. Arjuna was too furious to see his army destroyed. So, he went on his own to fight Parshuram.

Arjuna completely forgot about the curse that was spelled upon him by Muni Vashisth after Arjuna had once burnt a forest down. The curse was meant for him to be killed by a very powerful man and he was to cut off all the thousand arms of Arjuna. The curse did turn into reality and Arjuna’s all thousand arms were cut off by Parshuram followed by his beheading.

Parshuram brought Kaamdhenu back and handed it over to his mother. Jamadagni was not very happy with his son’s adventures as it seemed he had given air to an enmity between the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas. Jamadagni, in order to atone for Parshuram’s sins, asked him to go for a pilgrimage. Parshuram obeyed his father’s command.

Kartavirya Arjuna killed by Parashuram Avatar

That incarnation of God is known as Jamadagnya (Parashurama). For what and when did he take incarnation in Bhrigukul, he tells the episode, listen. King Yudhishthira! Parshuram, the son of Maharishi Jamadagni, is very powerful. Parashurama, the best among the strong men, killed the Haihayavansh. Mahaparakrami Kartavirya did not keep his life in the Arjuna force but was killed by Jamadagninandan Parasurama because of his improper behavior. ShatruSudan Haihayaj Kartavirya was sitting on the Arjuna chariot, but in the battle, Parashuramaji killed him by knocking him down. It was Lord Govind who emerged in the Bhrigu dynasty as Parashuram. This is the one who disguises the head of Jambasur and is fatal to Shatdundubhi. He incarnated only to kill Sahasrabahu Arjuna, who had won thousands of battles, in the war. Mahayashasvi Parashurama had conquered the six hundred and forty thousand Kshatriyas gathered on the banks of the Saraswati river with the help of a bow.

The tale of the bloody revenge

Meanwhile, the sons of Arjuna were seeking their father’s revenge and while Parshuram was away, they came to the ashram and killed Jamadagni. Renuka fainted as she was grief-stricken and scared. Parshuram came back to find out what had happened. This angered and devastated him. He swore to avenge his father’s death and annihilate the entire Kshatriya race.

With his axe in his hand and blood on his mind, he went to the Prince’s palace and went on a killing spree. He started by killing all the Kshatriyas in the palace, then he killed every single Kshatriya king and did not stop until not one Kshatriya was left. He finally avenged his father’s death by killing all the Kshatriyas and filling five ponds with the blood of all Kshatriyas. This pond came to be known as Samant-panchaka. Later, Parshuram took a dip in the blood-filled pond and performed rituals to honor his father’s death.

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