AJMER (TIP): A girl and her mother, both belonging to Kerala, were on January 17 critically injured when they fell into boiling water in a cauldron, known as ‘deg’, in Ajmer dargah in Ajmer, police said. “Sarina (23) and her mother Sulfat (58) fell into the ‘deg’ which is around 7-8 ft deep. Preparations for cooking rice was going on and water was boiling when the incident occurred,” police officer Bhawani Singh said. “Both received critical burn injuries and were rushed to JLN government hospital where their condition is stated to be serious,” he said. He said it was not immediately clear whether they fell accidentally or jumped into it. A big and a small ‘deg’ are installed in the Dargah for cooking of ‘Niaz’ (vegetarian food prepared with rice, ghee, sugar, nuts, saffron) by pilgrims and the women fell into the small ‘deg’ which has a cooking capacity of 2,400 kg.