Prime Minister Narendra Modi today hailed the inauguration of India’s first 3D-printed public building, a post office in Ulsoor’s Cambridge Layout area of Bengaluru.
The post office was inaugurated by IT and Communications Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, who hailed “a rising new India which was rolling out 5G at historic speed, and was working on 6G rollout”.
The post office had made news recently with videos going viral of a robotic arm extruder being deployed for contour crafting, whereby a 3D printer uses quick setting materials to build a structure layer upon layer. The 3D-printing technology in construction can cut costs massively and reduce construction time.
“Every Indian would be proud to see India’s first 3D-printed post office at Cambridge Layout, Bengaluru. A testament to our nation’s innovation and progress, it also embodies the spirit of a self-reliant India. Compliments to those who have worked hard in ensuring the post office’s completion,” the PM tweeted.