New Delhi (TIP)- Shraddha Walkar in 2020 filed a complaint with the police against her live-in partner Aaftab Ameen Poonawala, that he had threatened to kill her and cut her into pieces, India Today has learnt. In her complaint with Tulinj police station in Maharashtra’s Palghar, she complained that her boyfriend, the prime accused in her murder case now, had assaulted her and threatened to kill her.
Shraddha, 27, was allegedly strangled and murdered by her boyfriend, Aaftab Ameen Poonawala, in May this year, Delhi police said. Aaftab chopped her body into 35 pieces, stored the chopped parts in a fridge and then dumped them across the national capital over several days. The couple met on a dating app in 2019 and moved in together in Mumbai and later shifted to Chhatarpur in south Delhi.
The letter has reportedly been shared by Shraddha’s neighbour in Vasai, with whom Shraddha had gone to file the complaint. The Maharashtra police have also confirmed that the letter was written by Shraddha in 2020 at the Tulinj police station. Shraddha in her complaint letter, dated November 23, 2020, wrote, “Aaftab Amin Poonawala has been abusing me and beating me up. Today, he tried to kill me by suffocating me and he scares and blackmails me that he will kill me, cut me in pieces and throw me away. But I don’t have the guts to go to the police because he would threaten to kill me.”