NEW DELHI (TIP): The SupremeCourt on December 18 sked theChief Justice of Madhya PradeshHigh Court to divest one of hiscolleagues, accused of sexuallyharassing a woman AdditionalDistrict and Sessions Judge(ADSJ), from undertaking alladministrative and supervisoryfunctions. The apex court alsorestrained Chief Justice AMKhanwilkar from handling thecomplaint of sexual harassment ofthe woman. A Bench comprisingJustices JS Khehar and ArunMishra ruled the Chief Justice“having assumed a firm position inrespect of certain facts containedin the complaint filed by thepetitioner ought not to beassociated with the in-houseprocedure” meant for such cases.The Bench noted that under the“in-house procedure” the CJ’sauthority was limited todetermining the requirement for adeeper probe in such cases.