NEW DELHI (TIP): Amid frequent disruptions by the Congress in the Rajya Sabha, the BJP on Dec 3 launched a scathing attack against the Opposition over the alleged involvement of its top leaders, including former union ministers Preneet Kaur and P Chidambaram and chief ministers Virbhadra Singh, Harish Rawat and Oommen Chandy, in “corruption cases”. While seeking answers from the Congress on “action taken” regarding allegations of corruption against its top leaders, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman maintained her questions should not be linked either to the status of the GST Bill or the functioning of Parliament.
“GST is something which is their (Congress) Bill.
It is in national interest. If these (corruption cases) become an issue because of which Congress party, and I would not imagine that, would not support GST, then it would be a sad day,” she said, expressing hope that the Opposition party would deal with the allegations with “maturity”.
“The Congress is behaving as if they have not heard even a whisper. It is not one but several instances of corruption where Congress is happily looking the other wa,” she added.