NEW DELHI: In what could take the probe against Vijay Mallya forward, the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) have received “crucial details” about properties and investments of the former liquor baron from several countries. Mallya had fled to London on March 2 and has refused to cooperate with investigators.
Sources in the two agencies said the UK, France, the US, Mauritius, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, South Africa, Switzerland and some other countries were asked — through a judicial request and through the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) — to provide details about Mallya’s shareholding in companies abroad, his movable and immovable properties and his travel details. It is suspected that of the Rs 6,027 crore taken by Mallya as loan from banks, some part was diverted to these countries.
Sources in the CBI and the ED told TOI that they had received “crucial details about Mallya’s investments/properties” from these nations. The development comes at a time when the ED and the CBI have enlarged the probe against Mallya and his companies to unearth the “larger conspiracy” to cheat the consortium of 17 banks, led by State Bank of India, from which he took loans of around Rs 6,027 crore between 2005 and 2010.
The ED is also preparing to attach properties/shares worth around Rs 5,000 crore belonging to Mallya, sources said. It has already attached properties worth Rs 1,411 crore till now.
The CBI has claimed that Mallya deliberately didn’t repay the banks in conspiracy with group companies and their promoters. Meanwhile, there has been no response from Interpol on issuing a red corner notice against Mallya several months after a request was made. He fled to London on March 2 without informing the authorities and has refused to reply to notices sent to him.