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Consul General of India, New York

Dynaeshwar M.Mulay,
On the occasion of the 66th anniversary of Independece of India, i extend congratulation and best wishes to the readers of the Indian Panorama! India today represents a unique model of development in the world. India’s journey as a vibrant democracy, its model of democrative governance together with its economic strength, resilience and dynamism of its people have shaped India’s significat role on the global stage today.

Our strategic relations with the United States have matured to a very significat bilateral visits at the level of President Barack Obama and Primie Minister Manmohan Singh. our economic and commercial relations have reached new heights crossing the hundred billion dollar mark. The cooperation between the two countries in the fields of Science & Technology, Educaion and Culture is very strong. We have more than three million strong Indian Diaspora in the United States, which was contributed significaly towards these strong relations.

The Consulate Geneat of India, new York, has been working in the region towards strengthening the relations between the two countries particularly in terms of rendering large number of cunsular services, faciliating trade and investment in both the countries and organising various public outreach activities towards promoting India in the region. The India Diaspora in the region has been immensely helpful, positive and complementary towards our efforts in the region.

My Independence Day massage to the readers of the Indian Panorama is “Let us work together towards making the India-US relations stronger and better, with our indivisual and collective efforts. We need to create a new vision that would make our democrative destinies mutually beneficial.

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