NEW DELHI (TIP):The ghost of PM Modi’s Bachelor’s degree from Delhi University seems not to die. Amid claims and counter claims on the genuineness of the degree, a lot of players are having a free play.
Delhi University Registrar on May 12 once again reiterated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s degree released by the varsity is genuine and termed the alleged discrepancies as ‘minor errors’. Registrar Tarun Das said the university had checked its records and it found that the PM’s degree was authentic.
DU Registrar Tarun Das said, “PM Narendra Modi’s BA degree of 1978 is totally genuine. Minor mistakes are common during paperwork.” Tarun Das also disclosed the enrolment number of Narendra Modi as well as his examination number. “Modi’s enrollment number was CC5594/74 and examination roll number was 16594,” said the DU Registrar.
Highlighting the alleged “discrepancies” in the graduation degree and marksheets of the Prime Minister, AAP leader Ashutosh said the name and marks of the candidate were printed in Modi’s marksheets released by the BJP.