The ED on May 4 filed its fourth supplementary chargesheet in the Delhi excise policy “scam” case, naming former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia as an accused for the first time, officials said. Sisodia was arrested by the ED on March 9 from Tihar jail. The AAP leader was first arrested by the CBI, which is also probing the case and already named him as an accused. Sisodia is currently under judicial custody. The ED filed the chargesheet (termed as prosecution complaint under the PMLA) with a designated special court in Delhi. The 270-page chargesheet has annexures running into 2,000 pages, the officials said. The ED has called Sisodia a “key conspirator” in the case. The ED alleged the “scam” was initiated with the drafting of the excise policy by AAP leaders, led by Sisodia, to generate illegal funds through a nexus/understanding between key players of the “South Group”.
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