Nagpur (TIP): The Enforcement Directorate on Friday, June 25, conducted searches at the premises of NCP leader and former Maharashtra Home minister Anil Deshmukh in Nagpur and Mumbai. The raids were conducted as part of a money laundering probe against Deshmukh.
Searchers are being carried out under provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The locations include the NCP leader’s residence in Nagpur.
The agency had earlier registered a criminal case under the anti-money laundering law against Deshmukh and others last month after a recent CBI FIR. The ED case came about after the CBI first carried out a preliminary enquiry followed by filing a regular case on the orders of the Bombay High Court that asked it to look into the allegations of bribery made against Deshmukh by former Mumbai Police commissioner Param Bir Singh.