External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Friday, Dec 4, said negotiations for a free trade agreement between India and the European Union were stuck for the last six years due to reluctance of the grouping.
The talks for the FTA have been stalled since May 2013 when both sides failed to bridge substantial gaps on crucial issues, including on data security status for the IT sector. Asked during an online interactive session whether the talks were stalled due to India’s reservations against FTAs, Jaishankar vehemently dispelled it and said: “It is not a question of principle. India has nothing in principle against free trade agreements or preferential trade agreements.”
Launched in June 2007, negotiations for the proposed agreement have witnessed many hurdles as both sides have major differences on crucial issues.
Giving a run down of the developments relating to the proposed FTA, Jaishankar said at the 6th Edition of MED dialogue that India was negotiating on it with the European Union till 2013 but the deal could not be closed.
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