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Gorbachev’s 90th birthday celebrated

Sri Chinmoy and President Gorbachev

Ashok Parulekar  

PANAJI, GOA, INDIA (TIP):  On Tuesday, March 2, President Gorbachev ‘s 90th Birthday was observed.  He is a close friend of Sri Chinmoy. They both worked for World Peace. One as a President of USSR.  the other as a Spiritual Master and through his Meditation, Music, Books, Art, Sports, The United Nation centre, and his disciples around the world in more than 60 countries. President Gorbachev’s achievements are many. He was instrumental in ending the Cold War between USA and USSR. He was the great man behind the removal of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany. During his presidency 80% of nuclear weapons were destroyed. Sri Chinmoy composed 21000 songs and wrote 1600 books. Some of them are specially for his dear friend Gorbachev. A few of his Peace Concerts were dedicated to his wife Raisa. In 2007 a month before his passing Sri Chinmoy went to Russia to see him. They met 22 times helping world peace process enormously.  President Gorbachev’s birthday was celebrated at many places around the world. In Panaji Goa, India it was at Mother Teresa House near Sri Chinmoy Centre.

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