CHANDIGARH (TIP): The Punjab and Haryana high court, on November 14, stayed the arrest of Bollywood director Sanjay Leela Bhansali and actors Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in connection with an FIR lodged against them in Jalandhar in connection with their movie Ram-Leela. Justice Jitender Chauhan of the high court has issued the order after hearing a petition filed by Bhansali, Ranveer and Deepika. When the case came up for hearing on Thursday, the counsel for the Bollywood stars pleaded that it was strange that the Jalandhar police registered the FIR without even ascertaining the facts. It was further argued that the grievance of the complainant in this case was that the movie’s title, the trailer and photographs were highly objectionable and offended the religious sentiments of general public believing in Hindu mythology. He argued that the story of the movie was contrary to the title, as it had nothing to do with Lord Ram’s life and the Delhi high court has already decided that no organization or individual can claim to be the sole interpreter to Hindu religion and sole proprietor of names of Hindu Gods. Bhansali, Ranveer and Deepika had moved the HC on Tuesday against the registration of case against them in Jalandhar. The police had booked Bhansali, Ranveer and Deepika in September on the basis of a complaint filed by one Lalit Kumar. The FIR was registered under Section 295-A (deliberate and malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings) of the IPC.
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