Fans of Kartik Aaryan have reason to celebrate as the actor is set to star in a new romantic drama titled Tu Meri Main Tera, Main Tera Tu Meri. The film, directed by Sameer Vidwans and produced by Karan Johar along with Dharma Productions and Namah Pictures, is scheduled for a 2026 release. This collaboration marks a significant moment as Karan Johar and Kartik Aaryan team up for the first time after a previously planned project did not materialise.
The announcement was made on December 25, when Karan Johar shared a video on Instagram, describing the film as the “best Christmas gift” for fans.
The video, which Kartik also shared, created a buzz online, especially after Kartik’s engagement with a mysterious post by Dharma Movies that hinted at his involvement. While the film’s leading lady has not been announced yet, anticipation is high among fans. Kartik Aaryan, who recently enjoyed success with ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’, is expected to bring his charm to this new venture. His previous collaboration with Sameer Vidwans was in the film ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’. Meanwhile, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ is set to stream on Netflix from December 27, adding to Kartik’s growing list of achievements.
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