After witnessing disruptions on the first day of the special assembly session, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said he will resign if the BJP and the Congress stalls the tabling and the passage of the Lokpal bill in the house. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is desperate to pass the bill, which aims to check corruption in high places, during the four-day session which started on Feb 13. Delhi Congress MLA Haroon Yusuf said that the Congress will not support the Lokpal Bill because it’s unconstitutional.
To make matters worse, Lt Gov Jung in a letter to Speaker MS Dhir said that the bill can’t be table in the assembly as it has not been cleared by him. Unable to speak in the house, Kejriwal — who had wanted to distribute copies of the Jan Lokpal bill to all legislators — told the media later that he would resign if the bill wasn’t passed Friday in the assembly. “We will try to introduce the bill. If it gets beaten and defeated by the Congress and BJP, I will resign.”
But this is impossible with the 31-member BJP, the biggest group in the assembly, the eight-member Congress, the lone Janata Dal-United legislator and an independent virtually banding together.
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