![TIP The Indian Panorama - Newspaper - Logo](https://www.theindianpanorama.news/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/TIP.png)
After playing a hat trick in Gujarat elections,Narendra Modi‘s stock has considerably gone upand he has emerged as the most dominant,dynamic and charismatic national leader. His election asChief Minister of Gujarat has also exposed the diabolicaldesigns of deadly combination of Leftist-Islamicfundamentalist axis, anti-Hindu and anti-national forces;and has emboldened patriotic forces all over India.
Theentire national political landscape has been completelytransformed. He is held in high esteem all over India.This election has proved beyond any shadow of doubt thatSonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are no match forNarendra Modi, the Man with Capital “M”.
Narendra Modi is considered an icon of resurgentIndia. He is an epitome of vigor and vitality. He hascreated confidence and respectability in the mind of anaverage Indian about his glorious past which had beendescribed as dirty word in the lexicon of pseudosecularists.The idiosyncratic projection of Hindus as an enemy ofthe nation from within as made explicit by his ‘Hinduterror’ remark recently by no less a person than SushilKumar Shinde in his official capacity as the country’sHome Minister, has terribly offended the sensibilities of850 million Hindus and further popularized NarendraModi as the next nationalist Prime Minister of India.
There have been several Hindu Muslim riots in UP,Maharashtra and West Bengal, but there has not been anyHindu Muslim riot or even a terrorist attack in Gujaratduring his tenure. This is a positive reflection on hiscapability to contain terrorism.That is the reason senior BJP leaders like YeshwantSinha, Ram Jethmalani, Mahesh Jethmalani, ShatrughanSinha, VHP Chief Ashok Singhal and several RSSleaders are openly supporting him to be the next PMcandidate.
Narain KatariaPresident,
Indian American Intellectuals Forum
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