Opened by Vice President Dhankhar, meditation meet appeals to leaders to promote the practice for public good

In his inaugural address, Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar emphasized the transformative power of meditation.

The 2nd Global Conference of Meditation Leaders in Delhi made a case for integrating meditation into governance, leadership, education, and healthcare.

  • By Parveen Chopra
  • Founding Editor,

NEW DELHI (TIP):  For me, a long-time meditator, it was heart-warming to participate in the Global Conference of Meditation Leaders (GCML) and witness meditation getting the attention it deserves and to note that it is spreading fast the world over just like yoga has in recent times.

I was representing as Digital Media Partner at the mega event organized by the Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation at India’s most prestigious venue of Bharat Mandapam in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

Inaugurated by the Vice President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar, the 2nd GCML presented an array of spiritual masters and eminent speakers on February 21-22. Aiming for social change and world peace through Project Meditation, the conference advocated ​integrating meditation into governance, leadership, education, and healthcare.

In his inaugural address, Vice President Dhankhar emphasized the transformative power of meditation, calling it “not just an ancient practice, but food for the soul and a necessity for peace and well-being.” Quoting the Bhagavad Gita, he urged, “योगी भव” (Become a Yogi) and highlighted India’s role in championing meditation on global platforms, aligning with the United Nations’ recognition of World Meditation Day (December 21).

Kamlesh Patel ‘Daaji’ – meditate to connect to the ‘super heart’

Heartfulness guru Kamlesh Patel ‘Daaji’ said that meditation serves as the vehicle to ultimate wisdom.

Padma Bhushan honoree Kamlesh Patel ‘Daaji’, spiritual guide of the Heartfulness Movement, said that meditation serves as the vehicle to ultimate wisdom, allowing us to transcend superficial thinking and access profound inner guidance. Quoting the Gayatri Mantra, he invoked the divine source of all wisdom, urging the audience to embrace meditation as a path to self-transformation and harmony.

Pointing to the unique perceptive ability of women that bypasses intellect and connects directly to the “super heart”, Daaji said men have to meditate to connect to this super heart.

Former CBI chief and director general of NHRC D.R. Kaarthikeyan read out the Resolution adopted by the conference encouraging meditation in educational institutions, organizations, and governments.

Other highlights of Day 1 of the conference included Padma Shri honoree D.R. Kaarthikeyan’s welcome address as Chairman of the Conference. Dr. H.R. Nagendra, founder of  S-VYASA Yoga University, said meditation is a measurable science. Chandra Pualamarasetti, founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation based in Bangalore,  gave a ​P​owerPoint presentation on the Science of Meditation.

Sister Shivani ~ Meditation to raise planetary vibration

Founding Editor, Parveen Chopra greeted Sister BK Shivani before her engaging talk at the conference.

Rajyogini Sister BK Shivani, the Spiritual Mentor of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization, shared tips to deepen our meditation and contribute towards a more peaceful world.

She said that meditation means mastering our mind and our sense organs, not just while meditating, but being peaceful even in a crisis, being compassionate and forgiving even when the other person is hurting.

She strongly suggested switching off screens as they are affecting our meditation, and affecting our lives as we get addicted to them.

Referring to Covid years’ fear and anxiety dipping collective consciousness, Sister Shvani invoked millions of people meditating worldwide to raise the vibration of the planet.

Eminent New York attorney Ravi Batra with family while visiting Bharat Mandapam stopped by to say hello to Parveen Chopra.Shri Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Founder of the Mahabodhi International Meditation Center in Leh, Ladakh, exhorted the young generation to take to meditation. “We see Indian youths achieving great things in IT, now let us motivate them to become yoga and meditation masters to spread spirituality around the world.”

Arguing that only the ancient wisdom of India can save the world, the Buddhist master pointed out, “America and Western countries have done great things in science and technology, but they have failed  to bring peace and harmony in the world. This is the century of Asia. Within Asia, it is the century of India. Within India, it is the century of meditation and yoga.”

On the policy front

Dr Vinod Paul, Niti Aayog Member ​ov​erseeing public health in India, ​di​scussed interventions needed ​to scale meditation in the country. He recalled ​b​eing a student at​ AIIMS, New Delhi, in the 1970s​, when pioneering research on the neurophysiology of meditation was conducted there.

Dr Gopala Krishna, Founder of Spiritual Tablets Research Foundation in ​L​ondon, ​di​scussed the miraculous effects of meditation on physical vitality and mental well-being in his presentation.

Meditation Resolution to be presented to governments

In his closing remarks, D.R. Kaarthikeyan, former CBI chief and director general of National Human Rights Commission, and ambassador for many spiritual organizations said that while the Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation is inspired by Brahmarshi Patriji, who promoted AnaPana Sati, or Breath Awareness meditation, “Our objective is to spread meditation – of any type – all over the world to fulfill Patriji’s mission.”

He read out the Resolution adopted by GCML2. In part it says, “There is a need to promote the practice of meditation in the universal public. It should be encouraged in all forms, in educational institutions, organizations, governments, and other sectors.” He said the Resolution will be submitted first to the President of India, the Prime Minister of India and then the leaders around the world.

​Bu​ddha-CEO ​Q​uantum ​Fo​undation hosted ​G​CML ​2​025 with PMC Hindi TV channel, S-VYASA ​University, and Heartfulness ​Institute. ​Spiritual web magazine was the Digital Media Partner.

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