“I personally extend my warm greetings to you. Please do come. This day is being celebrated in your honor. This day is dedicated to overseas Indians who, through heroic achievements, have made a mark in the world. We also dedicate this day to all overseas Indians who through their hard work have kept India‘s flag flying high”. Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister.
- Register online for participating in the 14th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention
- Last Date for Registration: 22 December, 2016.
- Special Discounts in Registration Fees for Young Delegates and Group Registrations
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) is celebrated on 9 January every year to mark the contribution of Overseas Indian community in the development of India. January 9 was chosen as the day to celebrate this occasion since it was on this day in 1915 that Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest Pravasi, returned to India from South Africa, led India’s freedom struggle and changed the lives of Indians forever.
PBD conventions are being held every year since 2003. These conventions provide a platform to the overseas Indian community to engage with the government and people of the land of their ancestors for mutually beneficial activities. These conventions are also very useful in networking among the overseas Indian community residing in various parts of the world and enable them to share their experiences in various fields.
During the event, individuals of exceptional merit are honored with the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award to appreciate their role in India’s growth. The event also provides a forum for discussing key issues concerning the Indian Diaspora.
The 14th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention will be held from 7 to 9 January, 2017 at Bengaluru in Karnataka.The theme of 2017 PBD is “Redefining Engagement with Indian Diaspora”. It will see close to 3000 Non-Residential Indians (NRI) and PIO delegates from across the world.
The PBD Convention features Plenary Sessions; an Exhibition; Cultural programs and provides an opportunity to interact with other Overseas Indians, Policy makers, Political leadership and others. The highlight of the PBD convention is the inaugural address by the Prime Minister. Chief Ministers of several states also participate and address the delegates on opportunities available in their respective states. The last day of PBD features the valedictory address by the President of India, who will also confer the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards on Overseas Indian for their achievements and contribution both in India and abroad.
Objectives of PBD 2017:
- PBD 2017 will focus on the theme “Redefining the engagement with the Indian Diaspora”.
- To strengthen Diaspora engagement and provide a platform for networking with the Diaspora.
- To recognize the Diaspora’s contribution to India and know their expectations and concerns.
- To deepen engagement with young Diasporas, to help them know more about their roots.
Dr. António Costa, Prime Minister of the Republic of Portugal has accepted an invitation from Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, to be the Chief Guest at the 14th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention. He will participate in the inaugural session of the PBD Convention on 8 January and address the delegates.
Mr. Michael Ashwin Satyandre Adhin (36 years), Vice President of the Republic of Suriname will be the Special Guest at the Youth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) to be held on 7 January. He will address the young overseas Indian delegates at the inaugural session of the Youth PBD, along with Minister of External Affairs Smt Sushma Swaraj and Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Vijay Goel. Youth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is a platform to connect with the youth, the new generation of Pravasis growing up all over the world, confident, aspirational and transcending the old boundaries of caste and class. The government is keen to enable young Diaspora to know more about their roots and the place from where their fathers or forefathers originated. They can discover many features of India, its tradition, rich art and culture and also many facets of contemporary India.
The Government has put in place many schemes and programs to connect with the young Diaspora.
The ‘Know India Program’, conducted every year, familiarizes Indian Diaspora youth with India and KIP provides an exclusive forum for students and young professionals of Indian origin to visit India, share their views, expectations and experiences and to bound closely with contemporary India. 35 editions of KIP have been held so far.
In 2015 “Bharat Ko Jaano” quiz online was launched for young overseas Indians in which we saw enthusiastic participation of young NRIs and PIOs. The final round of quiz will be held in Delhi on 2nd October 2016.
The Youth PBD is the flagship initiative for our engagement with young Diaspora and provides forum to discuss issues and concern to Young Diaspora. The delegates of the Youth PBD will have the opportunity to interact with young Indian students pursuing programs in Bengaluru, and network with them. They will visit the Exhibition at the PBD conventions which showcases the government achievements in various sector, flagship programs, state governments’ initiative and policies; Indian corporate sectors and craft and cultural bazaar. In the evening of 7th January, the young delegates will enjoy an enthralling cultural performances organized by the state government of Karnataka. Youth PBDs overseas Indian delegates can also participate in the PBD convention on 8th January.
The Youth PBD 2017 will focus on “Redefining engagement with the Indian Diaspora”. Nearly 300-400 overseas Indian youth are expected to participate in the Youth PBD, including nearly 150 PIOs who will be visiting India for the Know India program. The Youth PBD in 2017 will include plenary sessions on:
- Problems faced by Indian students abroad.
- Problems faced by NRI students in India.
- Startups and Innovation which have a social impact in India.
In a message addressing the NRIs, Minister of External affairs, MsSushmaSwaraj said, “I personally extend my warm greetings to you. Please do come. This day is being celebrated in your honor. This day is dedicated to overseas Indians who, through heroic achievements, have made a mark in the world. We also dedicate this day to all overseas Indians who through their hard work have kept India’s flag flying high.”
Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri Siddaramaia said in a message, “Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is the largest gathering of overseas Indian Community in India. It is an important platform for the government of India to hear the views of the diaspora, have a direct dialogue with them and inform them about opportunities to contribute to their country of origin.”
Register online for participating in the 14th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention
Last Date for Registration: 22 December, 2016.
Special Discounts in Registration Fees for Young Delegates and Group Registrations
For further information, please visit www.theindianpanorama.news and www.pbdindia.gov.in
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